“Enjoy the authentic Joy” is a promotional and informational project that combines three agri-food Consortia for the protection of PDO and PGI deli meats, co-funded by the European Union and aimed at the Hong Kong market.

Consorzio Cacciatore Italiano

Consorzio Mortadella Bologna

Consorzio Zampone e Cotechino Modena IGP

The campaign involves the promotion of these Italian delicatessen excellences: Mortadella Bologna PGI, Salamini Italiani alla Cacciatora PDO, Zampone Modena PGI and Cotechino Modena PGI.

The three Consortia are non-profit organizations with the aim to protect and enhance the protected productions, inform the consumer about the products that have obtained the prestigious European PGI certification (Protected Geographical Indication) and PDO (Denomination of Protected Origin), a guarantee of connection with the territory and respect for the traditional recipe protecting in the same time products from increasingly frequent counterfeits.

The statutory areas of intervention are the following:

– market surveillance so as not to make improper or undue use of the certified names, to protect both producers and consumers;
– consumer information on the distinctive features of PDO and IGP products, spreading the knowledge of the positive values of European certification;
– guarantee, through a precise Production Regulation, of high compliance quality standards.

Consorzio Italiano tutela Mortadella Bologna, Consorzio Cacciatore Italiano, Consorzio Zampone e Cotechino Modena IGP:
Milanofiori - Strada 4 Palazzo Q8, 20089 Rozzano Milano, Italy
•Tel: (+39)02 8925901 •Fax: 02 57510607 •E-mail:

The content of this promotion campaign represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility.The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for any use that may be made of the information it contains.